Green Living Is Environmentally Friendly Living

Green Living means better for mankind, better for Earth and better for the future. Green living; it’s a term and a way of life that has become increasingly popular. There are many ways to go green as new companies spring up and established companies change their products to fit the lifestyles that many people are adopting. For anyone that doesn’t understand what green living is, there are many advantages and reasons to do it, as well as many ways to go green.

What is Green Living
Living green is sustainable living. It’s a lifestyle in which an individual endeavor’s to reduce the amount of natural resources used and the amount of waste created to benefit the earth.It aims to promote a lifestyle that is eco-friendly through various means such as energy, transportation, and waste. To go green, an individual usually has to change their whole outlook as it pertains to the earth and how they’re choices are affecting it. As trendy as it has become, it takes more than a couple of changes to really be considered living green. Sustainable living is a big commitment.

With the advancement of the eco-friendly agenda, it has gone from something individuals do and made its way into the business world, as companies try to keep up with the trend, some from a legitimate standpoint of caring for the environment and others from a financial standpoint of trying to cash in on the hoopla. Even with this, it’s still advantageous to try living green.

Why Choose Green Living
The earth’s resources are used at an alarmingly high rate. In order to keep the planet from being used of all it has, especially non-renewable resources, people must consider their use. The benefits of living this way outweigh the added responsibility that’s taken on.

Health – There are many health benefits. Green transportation such as biking or walking, gives a person exercise and reduces pollution. Living green includes buying local, which gives individuals fresher options. Organic grown reduces the amount of chemicals and pesticides in food.
Money – Using natural, renewable resources saves money like natural light instead of electricity or filtered water in reusable bottles instead of bottled water. Buying local supports local vendors and helps a person’s community, while cutting out the cost of transportation. With solar and wind technology, utility bills can be cut.
Future – it prepares us for the future by saving it. By using renewable resources, cutting waste, and reducing pollution, the future of the earth can be secured for a person’s family.
Ways to Achieve Green Living
Living green can be achieved through several means.

Transportation – Changing the mode of transportation such as walking, biking, or electric vehicle are ways go green.
Food – Buying local food, organically grown food, and growing a garden are all green ideas.
Waste – composting food waste, reusing things, and recycling reduce the waste in landfills.
Green living entails making changes across every facet of life. It’s a lifestyle change that benefits the individual, his family, his future, and the earth.

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